1 Zone / 16 Tray / 28 sq. ft Tray Area
view- 4 large firm, ripe tomatoes
- 1 1/2tsp. mixed dried herbs, such as oregano, thyme and basil
- 1/2tsp. sea salt
(per 1-oz serving): Calories: 5, Sodium: 325 mg, Dietary Fiber: 0 g, Total Fat: 0.1 g, Total Carbs: 1.1 g, Protein: 0.2 g.
- Wash tomatoes and cut off tops. Tomatoes do not need to peeled and seeded. Slice tomatoes into 1/4 inch thick slices.
- Sprinkle tomatoes with herbs and salt and place on dehydrator trays.
- Set the dehydrator to 145 degrees and dehydrate for 8-10 hours, or until leathery.