- 1/2 cup chia seeds
- 1 cup water
- 3 cups hazelnuts, soaked overnight, skins removed
- 1 1/2Tbsp. lemon zest
- 1 Tbsp. maple syrup
- 1/2tsp. sea salt
- Black pepper to taste
(per 1-oz serving): Calories: 169, Sodium: 31 mg, Dietary Fiber: 3.7 g, Total Fat: 15.6 g, Total Carbs: 5.5 g, Protein: 4.4 g.
- Mix chia seeds in 1 cup water and allow to soften.
- Remove soaked hazelnuts and drain them. Place hazelnuts in food processor and grind until fine.
- Pour ground nuts into a bowl and combine with chia seeds, lemon zest, maple syrup, salt and pepper.
- Spread onto dehydrator trays. Use a spatula to latten dough to approximately 1/4 inch thick. Dehydrate at 145 degrees for 1 hour. Decrease heat to 115 and continue to dehydrate for 8 hours.