1 Zone / 16 Tray / 28 sq. ft Tray Area
view- 1 cup dried goji berries
- 2 cups unsweetened applesauce
- 2 Tbsp. honey
(per 1-oz serving): Calories: 64, Sodium: 0 mg, Dietary Fiber: 1.6 g, Total Fat: 0.8 g, Total Carbs: 14 g, Protein: 0.5 g.
- Place goji berries in 1 cup of water and let soak until they are rehydrated, about 1 hour.
- Pour berries, soaking water, applesauce and honey into the blender and blend until smooth. Add more water if necessary.
- Spread onto dehydrator sheets and dry at 135 degrees for 6-7 hours.